Teenland - In Teenagers' Bedrooms is a new documentary directed by British artist Jeanie Finlay.

Four bedrooms, four teenagers, four portraits of life behind the closed bedroom door.

Teenland - In Teenagers' Bedrooms takes us into the sanctuary of four British adolescents on the brink of adulthood and explores their passions, obsessions and hopes for the future. more>

Produced by Debbie Ballin.
A Broadway prduction for BBC4

60 minutes

TV Broadcast Premiere - Wednesday 30th May 2007, 10.00pm, BBC4


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"Amusing and affecting this fine documentary takes us places film-makers don't often reach" Radio Times

"Jeanie Finlay's film reminded you how weird the teenager is, or – shudder of self-recognition – was." The Times

"an almost-fairytale atmosphere as we push the doors into the forbidden kingdom of teenage minds." Four Docs More>